One in 3 companies will start using SDN

What does SDN mean?
Virtualization consists of placing a software layer, the hypervisor, above the hardware layer, in order to create an abstraction of the latter. Regardless of the complexity of the hardware layer and that inevitable of the hypervisor, the administrator finds himself with a consolidated and unified view of his infrastructure which he now manages very simply, the software does the rest.

In the SD something family…, the SDN (Software-defined Network) virtualizes the network layer and generates the software layer of the hypervisor which is placed above the heterogeneous hardware tools – switch and switches, network cards, fabric, etc. – that make up the network and offers a unique view independent of equipment and their protocols. Towards a single open-source protocol For SDN to work, all the network components and their protocols must be known so that the solution can drive them, or else these devices must have a single protocol. In this case, it is the OpenFlow open-source protocol that sticks to it, most switch manufacturers have adopted it.
If companies are asked about SDN (Software-defined Networking), none will provide the same definition of this approach to network virtualization. On the other hand, one in three announces that they will embark on the adventure by 2015. SDN (Software-defined Networking) is the next step towards datacenter virtualization, after server and storage, network virtualization. All the actors of the network are in the ranks, with more or less enthusiasm, and above all a strategy which remains for many to be confirmed, but what is certain is that everyone is going there… So it is also with companies. In its seventh annual report on the state of the networks, “Seventh Annual State of the Network Global Study”, Network Instruments confirms the trend. From the mass of the report, which affects SDN as much as the increase in traffic, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), VoIP, instant messaging, or even video conferencing, we have extracted figures that confirm the rise of SDN. Why Adopt SDN? Among the 240 network engineers and business decision makers who responded to the survey, it appears that one in five companies would have started SDN in 2014, and that one in three plans to do so between now and 2015. These figures seem significant to us. But what are they hiding? To answer this question, the survey asked respondents about the objectives of investments in the League of Nations: 48%: the SDN must make it possible to adapt dynamically to requests for changes from business lines; 40%: SDN needs to improve and accelerate the delivery of new services; 38%: SDN needs to expand network infrastructure delivery capabilities; 38%: SDN to reduce operational expenses; 37%: SDN makes it possible to design a more realistic network infrastructure. Dealing with Difficulties If there is one area that makes SDN projects rich, it is fault diagnosis and management: 74%: Determining whether the problems encountered come from the network, the system or the applications; 53%: dealing with user complaints and errors;
35%: Trace bugs and app updates.

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