Cloud computing

21 European players are testing 5G in the Mediterranean Corridor between France and Spain

This full-scale test is carried out within the framework of 5GMED. This involves testing road and rail services along the busiest cross-border corridor, both for goods and for seasonal transhumance by holidaymakers. The 5GMED Project is supported by the European Commission as part of the H2020 program, which is to provide a sustainable 5G deployment […]

21 European players are testing 5G in the Mediterranean Corridor between France and Spain Read More »

AI, IoT, and cloud are the three technologies driving transformation for leaders

In a survey carried out by BVA for the USI conference (operated by Octo Technology) between April and July 2020 among a hundred business decision-makers, USI sought to understand what are the reports, expectations, and hopes of business leaders from all sizes (large groups, start-ups, and ETIs) in relation to new technologies: their influences, the

AI, IoT, and cloud are the three technologies driving transformation for leaders Read More »

Cloudflare announces new tools and integrations to its serverless platform

The security solutions publisher is launching new offers designed to secure email exchanges. These new proposals should, according to the publisher, allow customers to have a greater degree of control. Users will now be able to create personalized email addresses, manage incoming email routing, and prevent email address spoofing and phishing attacks on outgoing emails,

Cloudflare announces new tools and integrations to its serverless platform Read More »

Cloud IT Infrastructure

In the third quarter of 2018, for the first time, quarterly revenue from cloud products exceeded that of traditional IT sales, accounting for 50.9% of total global IT infrastructure provider revenue, compared to 43.6 % one year earlier. According to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Cloud IT Infrastructure Tracker, revenue for vendors of cloud IT infrastructure

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SPLAD: scatter and place data

During our work around RelaxDHT, we noticed that a significant part of the gains came from a better parallelization of data transfers. We have examined the impact of data layout on nodes storage for long-term sustainability.We proposed SPLAD, which offers the possibility to set how data is scattered and placed on a set of storage

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DONUT: efficient data localization

DONUT: efficient data localizationHaving a number of copies adapted to the popularity of the data is not enough. It is also necessary to be able to locate the data efficiently. Distributed systems large scale bring together thousands of nodes distributed worldwide. The data is distributed over a logical network according to their identifier. To provide

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Operation of GARGAMEL

GARGAMEL: improved performance of replicated databases We approach an approach, Gargamel, which consists in serialize upstream transactions that can lead to conflicts, and parallelizing those which are independent. Our system offers strong transactional guarantees according to the PSI model. Each database replica runs sequentially, and the synchronizations between replicas remain minimal. Our simulations and experiments

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Risk Management

BENEFITS OF RISK MANAGEMENT The implementation of risk management principles and processes is a powerful management tool, provided it is structured and used wisely. And among the benefits that society would derive from implementing the principles and processes of risk management, we can mention:Employee risk awareness:The implementation of risk management principles and processes helps the

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